Welcome to the Leicester Social Enterprise Network

The purpose of the Leicester Social Enterprise Network is to advocate on behalf of Social Enterprise in Leicester (the concept not necessarily any particular Social Enterprise). The Network plans to:

  • Circulate a regular newsletter by email along the lines of the one circulated by Leicester Start-ups CIC. But targeting those interested in Social Enterprise rather than those interested in “tech” start-ups. There would of course be some overlap. The intent would be collaboration to avoid any duplication
  • Create a ‘Wikki’ based bulletin board to share local information likely to be of interest to Social Enterprises
  • Promote inter-trading between Social Enterprises using the newsletter and the bulletin board
  • Seek to secure for Social Enterprises In Leicester a fair share of the Community Renewal Fund; the Levelling Up Fund; the Shared Prosperity Fund, etc.
  • Seek to secure the transfer of assets to Social Enterprises in Leicester

The idea to start such a network was prompted by the book “Social Enterprise in Anytown” written by the late John Pearce and published by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 2003.

The Leicester Social Enterprise Network is intended to be independent. Working with the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP), Leicester City Council, and Voluntary Action Leicestershire (VAL) but not beholden to them. To this end the Network has secured some initial funding from non-statutory sources. The hope is that as its worth becomes apparent other Social Enterprises will contribute to sustain its financial independence.

The idea to start such a network was prompted by the book “Social Enterprise in Anytown” written by the late John Pearce and published by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 2003. It also prompted David Brazier to write a paper entitled ‘Social Enterprise in Leicester – Past Events and Future Prospects’ [available here]. And this paper in turn prompted David Ahlquist to compare it to ‘Social Enterprise in Leicester – a Framework for Growth’ [available here].  Read the two for yourself and see what you think !